Today marked the 50th anniversary of the formation of the State of Maharashtra. The golden jubilee of the Marathi State. There were mesmerizing celebrations all over the state. The government was also too keen on cashing in on one of the most important occasions in the history of the state. Major political parties had organized various cultural events to mark the occasion. The so called Marathi nationalist parties were eager to demonstrate their love for Marathi and Maharashtra. In doing so, they were busy attracting famous Marathi personalities and celebrities into their camps. But I wonder if celebrations alone can save the language and the state in a situation were fighting for your linguistic rights and your state is considered to be anti-national and treason.
Two contrary incidents occur on the same as Maharashtra marks its golden jubilee. Amid the celebrations which took place all over the state there were also few incidents of anti-Maharashtra protesters who were agitating for a separate state of Vidarbh. They observed Black day on this occasion and waived black flags at Maharashtra day celebrations. However, the support for the formation of Vidarbh is open to debate.
On the other hand, the representatives of the people of Belgaum went to meet the President of the country. They want presidential rule to be declared in the Marathi speaking areas of Karnataka until the issue of unification of the Marathi speaking areas with Maharashtra, is resolved. They also demonstrated in support of Maharashtra in Belgaum and many other Marathi speaking areas of Karnataka.
When I look back at our history I find various things which trouble me a lot. What was the problem in the grating a unified Marathi state? What was the problem in giving Mumbai to Maharashtra when it is geographically and culturally Marathi land? As far as I know, the problem is that, Marathi Manaus had to fight for everything which he needed. He had to fight even for the very things which were rightfully his. I know that he will always have to fight in order fulfill even his basic needs.
We are never given anything without a fight. We are supposed to fight for everything from the inclusion of Mumbai in Maharashtra to making Marathi compulsory in schools. I cannot understand, how can one oppose the a law which makes Marathi compulsory in the very state which was established on that language. This can only happen in Maharashtra. The martyrdom of the 106 innocent lives is in vein. Nowadays, our youth has no concern for our language or the future of our state. We are already on the brink of losing Mumbai. It won't be long until we lose our entire state.
We Marathis are so used to Outside Rule that we can never think of us ruling ourselves. We always want someone or the other to rule over us. Why is it so? We are strong enough and we can also be able to sustain ourselves without anyone's help. However, even the idea of liberation is feared of. Why? Know that you are self-sustainable. Know that you can rule your nation on your own. Most important of all, know that you are Marathi First before being anything else.